On Tuesday 130 Year 11 students from a number of our CEDP secondary schools gathered at the CathWest Innovation Loyola campus to ignite their School of Now (SoN) learning journey.
SoN is an innovative blended learning program, within CEDP, that uses technology to enable Preliminary and Higher School Certificate students across different schools to learn from an Expert Teacher. SoN allows students to sign up for subjects that may not be offered at their home school, including a range of extension courses and specialised electives.
This year the SoN Year 11 courses and Expert Teachers are:
- Economics: Mr Anthony Taniane
- Engineering: Mr Steven Bauer
- English Extension I: Mrs Belinda Di Mauro
- Industrial Technology (Multimedia): Mr Damien McGuire
- Information Processes and Technology: Mr Damien McGuire
- Mathematics Extension I: Mr John Drake
- Physics: Mr Peter Blanch
- Software Design and Development: Mr Martin Lennon
- VET Business Services: Mrs Jessica Linarejos
- VET Financial Services: Mr Robert Furia
- VET Information and Digital Technology: Mr Damien McGuire
The School of Now Blended Learning Model
The Year 11 students had the opportunity to undertake some first-hand learning experiences to explore with their Expert Teacher the SoN Blended Learning Model and our Canvas Learning Management System. At the core of the SoN Blended Learning Model is the educational objectives of our students and the passion they have for their chosen subject area.
Each student in SoN will also be supported by a Mentor Teacher from their home school. The Mentor Teacher communicates with the Expert Teacher and student to support the student to achieve throughout their course.